Collider is a simple game

  • we have a player, and some enemies, who move randomly
  • if the player gets hit, our score is reset
  • otherwise our score goes up over time
  • Play it here

Setup the environment

Some basic parameters for our game

gameOptions =
  height: 450
  width: 700
  nEnemies: 30
  padding: 20

Somewhere to dump the score

gameStats =
  score: 0
  bestScore: 0

Setup the game board


Our game coordinates range from 0 to 100 in both x and y axes. This gets mapped to our pixelled game area using these scale functions

axes =
  x: d3.scale.linear().domain([0,100]).range([0,gameOptions.width])
  y: d3.scale.linear().domain([0,100]).range([0,gameOptions.height])

Game Board (svg region)

This looks like jQuery, and it is.

  • find the container element in the DOM
  • append an svg element to it
  • and set some attributes on the element
gameBoard ='.container').append('svg:svg')
                .attr('width', gameOptions.width)
                .attr('height', gameOptions.height)


Update our scoreboard, which is just in an html span

updateScore = ->'#current-score')

Update our best score if current score is bigger, and update the scoreboard

updateBestScore = ->
  gameStats.bestScore =
    _.max [gameStats.bestScore, gameStats.score]'#best-score').text(gameStats.bestScore.toString())

The Player

The player is a circle that the user can drag around the board with their mouse

Let's stick everything in a class to keep it clean

class Player

An svg path, created using this tool to give our player a teardrop shape

  path: 'm-7.5,1.62413c0,-5.04095 4.08318,-9.12413 9.12414,-9.12413c5.04096,0 9.70345,5.53145 11.87586,9.12413c-2.02759,2.72372 -6.8349,9.12415 -11.87586,9.12415c-5.04096,0 -9.12414,-4.08318 -9.12414,-9.12415z'

Some state for the player to maintain

  fill: '#ff6600'
  x: 0
  y: 0
  angle: 0
  r: 5

We need the gameOptions hash to restrict his motion

  constructor: (gameOptions) ->
    @gameOptions = gameOptions

Render the path to the gameBoard, and moves it to the middle also initializes dragging on the svg element

  render: (to) =>
    @el = to.append('svg:path')
            .attr('d', @path)
            .attr('fill', @fill)
      x: @gameOptions.width * 0.5
      y: @gameOptions.height * 0.5


Getters and setters to ensure the player stays within the game boundary

  getX: => @x
  setX: (x) =>
    minX = @gameOptions.padding
    maxX = @gameOptions.width - @gameOptions.padding
    x = minX if x <= minX
    x = maxX if x >= maxX
    @x = x

  getY: => @y
  setY: (y) =>
    minY = @gameOptions.padding
    maxY = @gameOptions.height - @gameOptions.padding
    y = minY if y <= minY
    y = maxY if y >= maxY
    @y = y

Since the player is an svg:path, we have to move/rotate him using transform. This method just lets us set any/all of the attributes and the rest will be taken from his internal state

  transform: (opts) =>
    @angle = opts.angle || @angle
    @setX opts.x || @x
    @setY opts.y || @y

    @el.attr 'transform',
      "rotate(#{@angle},#{@getX()},#{@getY()}) "+

Moves the player to an absolute position on the gameboard

  moveAbsolute: (x,y) =>

Moves the player to a relative position, rotating him based on which direction he is moving

  moveRelative: (dx,dy) =>
      x: @getX()+dx
      y: @getY()+dy
      angle: 360 * (Math.atan2(dy,dx)/(Math.PI*2))

Use d3's behaviors to make the player draggable

  • When he is dragged, move him the amount that the mouse moved (available in the global current user event: d3.event)
  • Setup dragging using d3's drag behaviour and bind dragMove to the on 'drag' event
  • Apply the drag behaviour to the player's svg element
  setupDragging: =>
    dragMove = =>
      @moveRelative(d3.event.dx, d3.event.dy)

    drag = d3.behavior.drag()
            .on('drag', dragMove)

Create our player by rendering him to the gameBoard

players = []
players.push new Player(gameOptions).render(gameBoard)
players.push new Player(gameOptions).render(gameBoard)


The enemies are an array of simple objects with positions and an id, they get rendered and updated in the render method

Creates an array of enemy data with random x and y positions by also creating an id, d3 can keep track of the enemies and move them rather than creating new ones later

createEnemies = ->
  _.range(0,gameOptions.nEnemies).map (i) ->
      id: i
      x: Math.random()*100
      y: Math.random()*100

Rendering the gameboard

render = (enemy_data) ->

Select all the enemies on the board and bind the data to them, using the enemies' id attribute as a key to ensure we update enemies in the future

  enemies = gameBoard.selectAll('circle.enemy')
            .data(enemy_data, (d) ->


any enemies which have just entered the game, i.e. who haven't already got a circle bound to an id will be in the enter() subset, so...

  • add a class to identify the enemy
  • position the enemy on tbe board using the axis transforms
  • start the enemy with no radius (we will increase it threateningly later)
      .attr('class', 'enemy')
      .attr('cx', (enemy) -> axes.x(enemy.x))
      .attr('cy', (enemy) -> axes.y(enemy.y))
      .attr('r', 0)


if we have removed any enemies (currently this won't happen) i.e. a circle is bound to an id that is no longer in the enemy_data array, just remove the enemy from the board



If an enemies id is already on the board, and is still in the enemy_data array, we just want to update the enemies position.

We will do this using a custom tween so we can test whether any enemies collide with our player on each step of the animation

Collision Detection

very simple collision detection find the distance between the centers of an enemy and the players and if it's less the sum of their radii, there's been a collision so invoke the callback

  checkCollision = (enemy, collidedCallback) ->
    _(players).each (player) ->
      radiusSum =  parseFloat(enemy.attr('r')) + player.r
      xDiff = parseFloat(enemy.attr('cx')) - player.x
      yDiff = parseFloat(enemy.attr('cy')) - player.y

      separation = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(xDiff,2) + Math.pow(yDiff,2) )
      collidedCallback(player, enemy) if separation < radiusSum

If we have a collision, just reset the score

  onCollision = ->
    gameStats.score = 0

Custom Tween

Create a custom tween, that tests if the enemy has collided with the player on each tick The tween gets called once at the start of the tween with the data we are tweening to. The tween should yield a function that takes a "timestep" t which is between 0 and 1 (0 at the start of the tween, 1 at the end).

  tweenWithCollisionDetection = (endData) ->

this is our svg element, so wrap with d3

    enemy =

Get the initial position of the enemy

    startPos =
      x: parseFloat enemy.attr('cx')
      y: parseFloat enemy.attr('cy')

Map our endData to endPosition using our axes

    endPos =
      x: axes.x(endData.x)
      y: axes.y(endData.y)

Return our custom tween function

    return (t) ->
      checkCollision(enemy, onCollision)

Next position, is `start_position + (end_position - start_position)*timestep

      enemyNextPos =
        x: startPos.x + (endPos.x - startPos.x)*t
        y: startPos.y + (endPos.y - startPos.y)*t

Update the enemy's position

      enemy.attr('cx', enemyNextPos.x)
            .attr('cy', enemyNextPos.y)

Bind two transitions to the enemies when they are created/updated

  • The first will grow the enemies radius using a built in tween (the animation will only show on the first round)
  • The second uses our custom tween and will run every round to move the enemies on the board
      .attr('r', 10)
      .tween('custom', tweenWithCollisionDetection)

Play the game!

Kick off the game, and set the turn iterations off

  • On every turn, update enemy positions, and re-render
  • On every score tick, update the score, and the scoreboard
play = ->
  gameTurn = ->
    newEnemyPositions = createEnemies()

  increaseScore = ->
    gameStats.score += 1

Take a turn every 2 seconds

  setInterval gameTurn, 2000

Increment the score counter every 50ms

  setInterval increaseScore, 50

